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DAY 1:3

I'm back!  I really went by the wayside and fell off the wagon.  The holidays were really hard to keep on the healthy food.   I didnt stop at the holidays either.  I blame stress on my over eating, lots to stress about but nothing that cant be handled.  Round 2 I didnt do much in weight loss if any, but was proud to at least maintain my weight.  It was the last couple of months that I put on a few pounds.  Stress really does put weight on the middle! 

I have started another round of HCG.  At work we are doing a friendly challenge of the biggest loser.  We do our own thing for weight loss and a healthier lifestyle.  One person does the weigh in once a week and keeps everything confidential.  a chart is kept and once a week the percentage lost and amount of weight is recorded for all to see without the actual weight being announced.  We do this starting today until July and the winner is the one with the most weight lost at 3%.

I will keep my weekly accomplishments with the challenge posted here as I did before.  I am not going to give my weight to keep it private from coworkers who may read these posts that are in the challenge.  I will post inches lost to give an idea.