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Day 11:1

Halfway through week 2.  I had a little cheat tonight, but not too much.  Went to my mother in laws for dinner (who is also on the HCG Plan), she made her yummo meatballs n gravy and used extra lean ground beef, we had ours less the gravy.  I also made our salad as everyone else had potatoes and beans.  BUT...then came dessert...""FLUFF""  On a hot summer day, no ice cream, slushy drink, I had to enjoy a little taste of dessert.  I have done very well and know I won't indulge tomorrow....besides I needed a little something to get my system moving better lol.

1 apple
Tilapia fish
2 tbspn cottage cheese
1/2 cup cucumber

extra lean ground beef meatball
spinach and strawberry salad with lemon juice
melba toast

1/2 cup Fluff dessert

Goodnight all!