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Day 16:1

Today I went shopping to make some new recipes up from the cookbook.  There are so many yummo things to make I can't wait to try!  Tomorrow is a cabbage soup with chicken, cabbage rolls,  and apple chips. While I was away in the states I came across some calorie free ketchup, bbq sauce and raspberry vinegrette...I figure it should be good with this diet to flavour up some dishes. 

egg whites
melba toast

earlier while out shopping, I had a Timmies bran muffin w/ blueberry& cranberry ( this is not allowed, but it was a good source of fibre)

extra lean ground beef w/ onion & garlic finsihed with a dose of Calorie free bbq sauce
asparagus steamed in lemon juice & garlic pepper

I am looking for flavoured Stevia for my coffee at work and some recipes.  Also an oil called MSD?  If you know of where I can buy some please let me know.